Training course «Education for Human Rights and Democracy in the Digital Age: DigiTools for DigiYouth»
15-20 September 2021
Riga, Latvia
The project foreseen conduction of training course for youth workers in order to increase their competences in using new information and communication technologies and digital tools in the process of education for human rights and democracy, information and media literacy.
We are convinced that the use of new information and communication technologies is not just an opportunity to diversify and improve Human Rights and democratic citizenship activities and programmes. It is an urgent need dictated by several objective reasons described in the next section.
If youth work and youth projects fail to embrace the use of technology and digital media, there is a risk of becoming outdated and irrelevant to young people.
Accordingly, youth workers are faced with the challenge to obtain the necessary competences and meet modern requirements.
Our training course foresees not only increasing youth workers’ competences but also gathering of good practice and experience, elaboration of activities with use of digital tools with further implementation as well as creation of a manual on using new technologies and its further dissemination.
Aim of the project
The project aims to develop young people’ education for Human Rights and democracy, through the use of new information and communication technologies and digital tools.
- to train youth workers and increase their competences and skills in new technologies, digital and social media tools and their use in projects and activities on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education;
- to provide participants space and ability to exchange experience and gather good practice in using new technologies as well as elaborate own HRE and EDC activities with use of digital tools;
- to empower participants to develop young people education for human rights and democracy using new technologies; to share received competences and experience and act as multipliers.